Crafting an ideal customer profile (ICP) and buyer personas is a fundamental step for any business aiming to connect more effectively with its audience. And yet, even though those two concepts are … [Read more...]
Ways to Boost Summer Sales and Avoid a Seasonal Slump
Summer is, in general, a pretty slow season for many businesses. Many prospects can’t wait to clock out and start their vacation or staycation, so no wonder that you’ll be getting that “call … [Read more...]
12 Ways to Shorten Your Sales Cycle and Speed It Up
A salesperson’s sales cycle is very hectic, we all know that, but no matter what by the end of the month we have to hit our targets. Only closing counts, which means that all your efforts are … [Read more...]
7 Simple and Bulletproof Strategies for Lead Nurturing
Back in the 20th century, when traditional marketing was peaking, salespeople and marketers used pushy ads and commercials to attract their potential customers. So, it was perfectly normal to … [Read more...]
How to Implement 9 Easy DIY Growth Hacking Tactics and Increase Your Sales
"I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work." This quote by Thomas Edison perfectly sums up the essence of growth hacking. Relentlessly focusing on achieving rapid and … [Read more...]
From a Cold Lead to A Hot Deal: How to Automate Your Way Through the Sales Process
Believe it or not, but sales reps spend only 36.6% of their time selling int their entire sales process! Isn’t it ironic that instead of calling their prospects, following up with them, nurturing … [Read more...]