Long gone are the days when traditional marketing could cut it and attract your audience towards considering your product and service. Nowadays everything practically revolves around … [Read more...]
6 Types of Video That Will Skyrocket Your Conversions and Profit
Content still rules big time! No matter what industry you’re in, it’s essential to educate, entertain, and compel your prospects as that will get them more attached to your brand and increase … [Read more...]
5 Tips on How to Find Your Way Into Your Prospects’ Inboxes
Many marketers, especially newbies, frequently find themselves questioning the effectiveness of email marketing. This marketing strategy has been around for quite some time and it managed to survive … [Read more...]
From a Cold Lead to A Hot Deal: How to Automate Your Way Through the Sales Process
Believe it or not, but sales reps spend only 36.6% of their time selling int their entire sales process! Isn’t it ironic that instead of calling their prospects, following up with them, nurturing … [Read more...]
How to Create an Effective and Memorable Email Signature
Creating an effective email signature is usually the last thing on your mind when you simply want to communicate a message via email. How hard can it be, you ask yourself. I’ll put my name, title, … [Read more...]
How to Sabotage Your Chances of Closing Across the Sales Process
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and sometimes with well-meaning advice. Sales closing is tough, full of challenges and rough patches, which is why you need to think everything through … [Read more...]