Email Sequence Templates
Get better results
Set up proven, successful email campaigns in minutes using shareable templates.
Stop wasting time on rewriting
Identify what works, save prewritten messages, settings & campaign setups that perform well and reuse them at any time.
Personalize your outreach
Use the information you have about prospects and add it to your cadence for a highly tailored approach.
Double down on the most converting message
Autoklose tracks open, reply, and click-through rates and uses them to test templates and identify which emails get the best results.
Key features
Save entire campaigns as templates
A/B test everything and understand what works. Save an entire campaign as an email sequence template. This includes messages, the number of follow-ups, intervals, drip or regular follow-ups, and more.
Use our powerful editor
Our powerful campaign editor allows you to attach files, leverage video prospecting by means of GoVideo, add tokens or custom fields, insert an infinite number of follow-ups, intervals, etc., inside your templates.
Share with your team & edit before sending
Share and collaborate with your team before hitting the send button, and capitalize on teamwork.
Pick our brains
Need some compelling sales pitch examples? Autoklose offers you a selection of predefined, customizable, high-converting sales email templates suitable for various business situations. And we will keep adding more.

“Autoklose allows anyone to look for prospects and set up automated emails to reach those prospects under a single platform in less time than it takes you to do your laundry.”

Benny Radjasa
Managing Partner
Armonix Digital