Every sales cycle is full of different trials and tribulations which can slow it down and prevent you from closing a deal within a reasonable and predictable timeframe. These roadblocks vary … [Read more...]
8 Techniques for Motivating Your Sales Team
A, B, C. Always be closing. Always Be Closing. Always. Be. Closing. Many consider this monologue by Alec Baldwin from the 1992 movie Glengarry Glen Ross … [Read more...]
How to Sell to Today’s Busy People?
Nowadays ‘busy’ is the new cool. We multitask and do a bunch of things simultaneously and the fact that the world has been hit by the ongoing pandemic doesn’t mean things any easier. We have … [Read more...]
How to Send a LinkedIn Invitation Without Sounding Spammy or Pushy
It is said today that people who don’t have social media accounts almost don’t exist. A similar analogy can be used to explain the relationship between contemporary business professionals and … [Read more...]
5 Best Practices for Sales and Marketing Alignment
Smarketing isn’t just a fancy buzzword circulating among the professionals in the industry. It’s a crucial factor for achieving the holy grail of sales – predictable revenue. As a matter of … [Read more...]
Prospecting in the Age of Social Distancing: How to Find New Sales Opportunities Without Events?
Remote is the new reality, and we’d better get used to it. All conferences, trade shows, meetups, and other industry events have been canceled indefinitely, and we still don’t know when life … [Read more...]